Oct 11, 2014

I pulled it through

I have an obsession on pull through braids. They are so easy and they look good in long bob like mine. This week I first did one for my self. On my opinion it makes my hair look much longer and thicker. I think this is really cool up do also for the office.

Later in the week I was asked to do a up do for a wedding party for my colleague. I needed to do it one day early and she also has a long bob. Inspired by my own hair I went for the pull through braid, only more of it than in my version. I hope it survived the night!


  1. Totta! Tuo sun tukka näyttää näin laitettuna siltä, että se yltäis puoleen selkään ja olis ranteen paksuinen!

  2. Niinhän se mun unelmissa onkin!
