Nov 2, 2014

Super Sunday with beautiful model

Me and my friend Pirita have been talking about getting together and doing some hair styles to her new, shorter hair. Today we finally did that! It's always so nice to see her, she's truly a dear friend and we have so much to talk. When I could combine this with doing hair in some what peace, I was in heaven. 

First of all I just wanted to get a feel for her hair. I started to braid and this came out! It's a Swedish loop braid on top of a dutch braid, I saw something similar @ice_braids ig page few days ago. I had never tired this before but I think this style works very well with short hair too!

Next step was to go sleek. When Pirita cut her hair she was pondering between pixie cut or long bob - and choose the long bob. I wanted to mimic how the pixie cut would have looked like!

My first thought was to do her some sort of curls the moment she walked to my house. We did not want to do any heat styling anymore, so these curls fitted perfectly as a next style. I just love how these curls bring out her light pink highlights!

As a final hair for today I wanted to make an up do which would hold well since Pirita was headed to gym. Without thinking I did this snake braid, S like snake, sport, sweet super Sunday!

If you want to learn more from Pirita, please go follow her blog


  1. <3 <3 <3 Such beautiful words and beautiful hair!! You're so sweet and so talented! Lucky to have you as a friend <3
