Jan 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2014! Thanks to great company of my friends I managed to stay up after twelve a clock last night, see the fireworks and welcome the new year as it should be welcomed.. Having two small children I'm usually a fan of good night sleep but yesterday we threw a little party to neighborhood and had a good time in great company. Sometimes a small party refreshes more than even eight hour sleep!

Luckily our children let us adults sleep long in the morning and after having a slow breakfast I'm enjoying some me-time on the couch, in my pajamas, wrapped in my softest and warmest cashmere scarf, having my 1,5 month old  baby sleeping in my lap. There is romantic comedy on TV and warm cup of coffee next to  me.What a moment of happiness!

My hairstyle today reflects this lazy day, messy braided updo is easy and quick to create.

1 comment:

  1. Piti tulla kurkkaamaan tämä eka postaus <3 Voi mieti, Ella ollut joskus 1,5kk!! <3 <3 <3
